Can Traditional Chinese Medicine help cure eczema?

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Eczema

Irritated, dry, itchy, red, rash and bumpy skin- eczema can be such an unpleasant experience.

Whether your eczema tends to flare up during the spring in reaction to increased pollen and allergens in the air, or it's year round and connected to stress or exposure to other irritants, Traditional Chinese Medicine can help provide relief.

Some cases involve a pathogenic factor - Wind Heat, Damp Heat or Toxic Heat. It can also be more of internal deficiency - blood deficiency creating dryness.

The cause of eczema is unique to each person, so your TCM Doctor will assess and treat each case on an individual basis. A combination of acupuncture to address any underlying imbalances and a variety of herbs and salves may be prescribed.

With consistent and regular treatment, flare ups will be less frequent and the severity of symptoms will be greatly reduced, and may even disappear completely.