Supporting yourself through the transition into fall

As we enter September and the cooler weather begins, we are also entering a transition period from summer to fall.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, transitional periods are ruled by the spleen. The spleen governs over digestion, our muscles and the storage of blood throughout our body. Emotionally, the spleen is connected to overthinking and worry.

It is an important time to be kind to your body. Be aware of how you are moving your body, accept things you can and cannot change.

Let your body feel the transition from the pull towards cooling foods to the warmth needed for the cooler temperatures. Soup, steamed veggies instead of raw, less fresh fruit and more root vegetables, and of course the fan favourite pumpkin spice.

If you find yourself feeling out of sorts, anxious or uneasy during this time, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help ease the transition between seasons.