Acupressure Routine to manage Seasonal Allergy symptoms

With the trees and flowers in full bloom, there is a ton of pollen in the air and you may be experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms such as congestion, difficulty breathing, headaches and hives.

A Daily ritual of acupressure and gua sha can aid in the management of these symptoms.

Stimulate and massage the following points for 20 - 30 seconds each
(see diagram for location)

Large intestine 4
Lung 10
Large intestine 20
Bi Tong
Yin Tang

Repeat as needed.

You can also use a gua sha tool and scrape down along the inside of each arm to stimulate the lung meridian to help move congestion and free flow of qi. This will also help strengthen immunity.

Prevention is always better then reaction - an herbal formula taken daily and regular acupuncture visits can drastically improve symptoms related to seasonal allergies. It's never too late to improve so if you're already suffering and hate compromising your immune system further with chronic use of antihistamines, Traditional Chinese Medicine can help!

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