Finding deeper clarity with the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records is thought of as as a universal library where information about all people, places, events + time are stored. If you are looking for deeper guidance, this session may be a good fit for you.

Finding insight with the Akashic Records

In a soul realignment session, Khym will access your unique record. She uses your precise time and place of birth to access the record. Your record holds all the wisdom and choices your soul has made since its creation. It holds the key to your skill sets, talents, and interpersonal dynamics. By accessing this information, you are able to gain a deeper understanding + clarity of who you are at a soul level.

During the session, Khym will also introduce you to your personal manifestation team of spirit guides and supports. She will also indentify and clear any self-limiting beliefs within your record.

This information gives you a strong foundation for creating meaningful, empowered change to move into the direction of your goals for personal fulfillment, purpose, and authenticity in alignment to your divine nature.

A follow up session can be booked to reassess any roadblocks that may be keeping you from achieving your current goals.

Khym also offers an Akashic coaching package so you can receive ongoing support on your journney. During the coaching sessions, you will utilize a variety of readings from your Akashic record to help create goals, and find ways to keep you motivated and within alignment according to your unique soul blueprint.

Khym is available every 3rd Sunday of the month.

Book in with Khym