Watch out for summer heat!

heat stroke

It's been a hot one in Calgary so far and we're only half-way through the summer! Unfortunately, heat can cause heat stroke. Heat stroke can be nasty and symptoms include fever, nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, dizziness, whole body heaviness or heaviness in the arms and legs.

To support yourself and protect from heat stroke, drink plenty of water! The addition of electrolytes or pink Himalayan salt will help ensure your body stays hydrated.

Spend time in water - Taking a dip in the pool or river is not just a refreshing summer time activity, immersion in water can help your body temperature regulate on a hot day.

Wear a hat - We have some cute The Way themed swag to help you keep you cool ;)

Eat watermelon - both the fruit (xi gua) and seeds (xi gua ren) are used to clear summer heat from the body.

If you find you are in need of a little extra support during these summer months, book your Traditional Chinese Medicine Consultation.